
Ayurvedic golden milk: how to prepare it and what are its benefits?

Golden milk is an Ayurvedic drink that is prepared on the basis of milk and turmeric. It is especially recommended for autumn and winter, because it strengthens immunity and warms you up. What other properties does it have and how to prepare golden milk? Golden milk fits the theme healthy ayurvedic diet . The [...]

Ayurvedic golden milk: how to prepare it and what are its benefits?2023-06-07T10:41:48+05:30

Ayurveda in Poland: what is it characterized by?

What characterizes Ayurveda in Poland? What is the dominant dosha among Poles? How should people in Poland take care of themselves according to Ayurveda? Dr. Saurabh Pardeshi, an Ayurveda expert from Warsaw, talks about it in detail. Film translation - Ayurveda in Poland Good evening, friends. This is Dr. Saurabh. I run a [...]

Ayurveda in Poland: what is it characterized by?2023-06-07T14:34:18+05:30

Cancer according to Ayurveda: causes, treatment and the 3 most powerful herbs

Unconventional cancer treatments are gaining popularity, including the approach of Ayurvedic medicine. What is cancer according to Ayurveda and how does science approach its treatment? Dr. Saurabh Pardeshi talks about what cancer according to Ayurveda is, how it is related to the theory of five elements and how to treat and prevent it. It [...]

Cancer according to Ayurveda: causes, treatment and the 3 most powerful herbs2023-06-07T14:27:43+05:30

Ayurveda – what is this science? Learn the basics of Ayurveda

Vestibulum nec velit ante. Praesent dignissim interdum est, in lacinia elit pretium nec. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce laoreet mi leo, a facilisis dui tempus id. Pellentesque lacinia eget massa in commodo. Pellentesque faucibus rutrum velit, et maximus velit bibendum et. Aenean varius, leo non venenatis feugiat, erat elit interdum ligula, in viverra diam.

Ayurveda – what is this science? Learn the basics of Ayurveda2023-05-28T11:18:21+05:30

Workshop “Ayurvedic cooking”

During the Ayurvedic consultation, you receive a diet to support the healing process. Usually, after looking at this diet, the question arises - what and how will I eat now? Registrations: +91 96570 33115 (Whatsapp Calling) Cost:275 (price includes all products) Duration: 4 hours

Workshop “Ayurvedic cooking”2023-06-07T15:13:47+05:30


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