What is an Ayurvedic consultation?

Each Ayurvedic diagnosis is very specific and based on detailed descriptions. The structure of the body and the sense organs play an important role in order to make a correct diagnosis and determine the nature of the body. The tongue represents the state of the digestive system, the ear is a deep diagnosis of the nervous system, the face explains the physical state, etc. An Ayurvedic expert assesses the body, mind and energy based on the knowledge and experience gained during many years of study in India. One of the methods of diagnosis is the diagnosis from the pulse.

Ayurveda gives individual and not general health criteria because every human being is unique. Therefore, for an Ayurvedic expert, health care is always about the person, not the disease, and is based on the conclusions drawn from the 8 types of diagnosis.

During the Ayurvedic consultation:

  • you will learn your individual combination of doshas (constitution – prakriti)
  • you will learn about your tendencies to diseases and how to prevent them – you will learn the causes of your current health ailments
  • you will learn how your emotions translate into the state of your body – you will learn the state of your energy (chakras)

You will receive:

  • practical lifestyle tips
  • a diet adapted to the current state of health and the needs of the body,
  • recommendations for physical activity, sports,
  • individually selected herbs, supporting the restoration of balance in the body.

According to Ayurveda, the appearance of a disease means that there is an imbalance in the body between the so-called Dosha’mi (ingredients of the mind-body complex) – Pitta, Vata and Kapha. Restoring this balance in the body is the key to successful therapy.

Registration for consultations:

Saurabh Pardeshi meets in person and online in Warsaw, Krakow, Bielsko Biała, Cieszyn, Łódź, Toruń and the Tri-City.

You can sign up for consultations in all cities by phone: +91 96570 33115 (Whatsapp Calling)  or by e-mail: Detox.panchakarma@gmail.com

It is also possible to consult on-line (if there is no possibility of a face-to-face meeting) – in order to arrange such a visit, please contact us by phone or e-mail.

A yurvedic online consultation

We also invite you to online consultations.

Ashtvida Pariksha is a diagnostic method in which the following are examined:

  • Nadi – pulse
  • Juvha – language
  • Mala – digestive system
  • Mutra – micturition
  • Shabda – voice
  • Sparcha – body temperature
  • Print – eyes and vision
  • Akruti – physique

Before the Ayurvedic consultation, we will ask you to send us photos taken in the morning, before brushing your teeth and rinsing your mouth.


  1. Face straight with open eyes
  2. Face straight with eyes closed
  3. Tongue that should not be scrubbed beforehand
  4. Inside of a relaxed right hand, lying on a flat surface (so that the wrist and fingerprints are visible)
  5. Right ear (easiest to take a picture in a mirror)

The email address where we are waiting for your photos is Detox.panchakarma@gmail.com

For photography you need to remove earrings, bracelets, watches, glasses, wedding rings, rings.

Please attach the confirmation of the payment for the consultation to the e-mail with the photos.

We will adapt to your time possibilities and at the selected time, at a time that suits you, we will meet via Skype, WhatsApp or telephone conversation (as you wish).

During the consultation, you will receive a scan of the consultation card, with recommendations on diet, lifestyle, Ayurvedic tips and the dosage of herbs that will support you.

We send herbs by parcel locker or courier.

Dzień dobry,

Uprzejmie przypominam o wizycie w piątek o godzinie 06:30.

Proszę przygotować się do badania w taki sam sposób jak dotychczas. Proszę również o przesłanie zdjęć na dzień przed wizytą lub w dniu wizyty.

W imieniu doktora chciałbym również poinformować, że w bieżącym roku opłata za miesięczną subskrypcje ulegnie zmianie i będzie wynosiła 250 zł.

Zmiana ta wynika z konieczności dostosowania naszych usług do obecnych warunków.

Doktor pragnie zwrócić uwagę, że opłata obejmuje:

1. Konsultację z lekarzem wraz z tłumaczeniem.

2. Stały kontakt online za pośrednictwem aplikacji WhatsApp, umożliwiający uzyskanie odpowiedzi na pytania dotyczące konsultacji, diety oraz bieżących spraw.

3. Wsparcie ze strony naszego zespołu.

4. Krótkie rozmowy audio/wideo w nagłych wypadkach.

5. W razie potrzeby przeprowadzamy konsultacje uzupełniające w ramach głównej konsultacji.

6. Nowość: wspólna grupa pacjentów na Whatsapp. Grupa będzie zawierała linki do medytacji, mantr, przepisów kulinarnych, technik oddechowych. Doktor również będzie wysyłał link do wspólnej medytacji online, wykładów, etc.

Dziękujemy za Państwa zrozumienie i cieszymy się na kontynuację wspólnej podróży w terapii ajurwedą.

Namaste 🙏

Doktor wraz z zespołem

Take care of yourself now. Sign up for a meeting with an Ayurvedic consultant