Doshas are one of the pillars of Ayurveda. According to the Ayurvedic concept of the coexistence of five elements in the universe, the first element that appeared was space. It was from it that the element of air was extracted, which in turn was necessary for the creation of fire. Fire gave rise to water, and when it gathered in one place, earth was formed.
According to this idea, every structure or organism present in the universe consists of any combination of the five elements, which correspond to the doshas. Depending on their mutual proportions, they have different properties. For example, if we classify something as fire, it means that it has the properties of the fire element, i.e. it burns, it is hot, etc. And similarly with each other element.
What are the doshas in Ayurveda?
The combination of the five elements is present in every person, but it is different in everyone and corresponds to doshas, i.e. energies resulting from the combination of individual elements and showing their own specific character. In Ayurveda, we distinguish three doshas: Vata, Pitta and Kapha.
The unique composition of the doshas determines our prakriti, or constitution/psychophysical nature.Prakriti remains unchanged from the moment of conception until death. However, it can be disturbed under the influence of external stimulii.e. improper diet, stress, traumas, toxic relationships, but also not using your potential. These factors cause a state called Vikriti, or being out of balance.
It is possible to have one dominant dosha or a double praktiri, which is:
- Pitta-Vata
- Vata-Kapha
- Pitta-Kapha
To introduce you to the concept of the three doshas, we present a brief description of each of them.

Dosha Vata
People with Vata prakriti, due to their unstable nature, need a lot of regularity.
The Vata type has great difficulty in maintaining a routine in life, because they need to constantly experience new sensations and try new solutions.
The Vata personality type is known for starting many new projects at once and not finishing them.
He is always on the run, thinks a lot and creates interesting, creative solutions, but he has great difficulty in implementing all these ideas. This quality is especially evident when Vata is out of balance.
Most Vata people tend to be overly anxious and suffer from sleep deprivation from time to time.
However, it is natural that people with Vata dosha sleep the shortest of all types of constitution – 6 hours or less, and this time is further shortened with age.
When Vata is in balance, it becomes infectiously happy, enthusiastic and energetic. Her mind is clear, focused and very creative.
They realize their potential in all activities related to creation, so often this type of people choose professions such as: designer (all kinds), artist or engineer.

Dosha Pitta
Pitta people are of average height and have a moderate build.
They can both gain weight and lose weight without any major problems. They have sharp facial features and medium-sized eyes with a penetrating gaze.
People with Pitta dosha are generally endowed with a sharp, penetrating intellect and exceptional ability to concentrate.
Their natural tendency is to be orderly and effectively manage their own resources, i.e. energy, finances, activities.
They are ambitious and show natural leadership qualities. Their opinions are usually quite fundamental and critical.
When the Pitta dosha is out of balance, you get angry easily and tend to think negative thoughts.
Such people become irritable, impatient and very demanding – it is difficult for them to accept the surrounding reality.
Pitta dosha is also characterized by the fact that excess fire energy is naturally regulated through physical exercise.
People with this constitution are always willing to get tired in the gym or take part in a marathon. Physical fatigue allows them to balance their emotions.

Dosha Kapha
A Kapha person takes a long time to make decisions.
She wakes up very slowly, usually stays in bed for a long time, and when she manages to get out of it, she still needs her morning coffee to finally get back on her feet.
Kapha is happy regardless of financial or social status, it unites other people by respecting their feelings and showing them sincere empathy.
This type of man seeks emotional solace in overeating, so he gains weight easily. He is a charming person with a sparkle in his eyes. He moves gracefully even when he is overweight.
Kapha is best served by vigorous exercise. However, in order to introduce and develop this habit, they need zealous encouragement.However, once exercises become part of their routine, they have no major problems with maintaining regularity.
By nature, people with Kapha are tolerant, tender and forgiving. They have a lot of maternal feelings. During a crisis, it is not easy to get them off balance – they are a refuge for others. The negative emotions of Kapha are greed and excessive attachment.He may have a hard time getting rid of old and unnecessary items. When Kapha is out of balance, it becomes stubborn, monotonous, lethargic, and lazy.
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