Ayurveda theory

What is the theory of Ayurveda and how to put it into practice? On our blog, we present the principles of Ayurveda and practical tips for maintaining health and harmony.

Music therapy – what is it and how does it affect the chakras?

What is and how does music therapy work? It has long been known that music can affect our mood, but scientific research in this direction began only in the 1920s. Music can relax, energize, evoke memories, therefore it has great therapeutic potential. In addition, specific sounds affect our body in a specific way. So [...]

Music therapy – what is it and how does it affect the chakras?2023-06-06T19:41:55+05:30

Ayurveda in Poland: what is it characterized by?

What characterizes Ayurveda in Poland? What is the dominant dosha among Poles? How should people in Poland take care of themselves according to Ayurveda? Dr. Saurabh Pardeshi, an Ayurveda expert from Warsaw, talks about it in detail. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRql9BLOQTE&t=78s Film translation - Ayurveda in Poland Good evening, friends. This is Dr. Saurabh. I run a [...]

Ayurveda in Poland: what is it characterized by?2023-06-07T14:34:18+05:30

Holistic medicine: what is it and what are the Ayurvedic holistic treatments?

Holistic medicine has been practiced for thousands of years. It consists in looking at a person as a whole, not just at a specific health problem. According to holistic medicine, everything is interconnected and interacts with each other - mind, body, emotions, energy. Holistic medical systems also include Ayurveda. In holistic medicine, a person [...]

Holistic medicine: what is it and what are the Ayurvedic holistic treatments?2023-06-07T14:53:16+05:30

Ayurvedic herbs: how do they work and what are the main holistic blends?

Ayurvedic herbs are used in Ayurveda as an element of treatment, but also prophylaxis. These are various holistic mixtures, as well as popular spices with a strong health-promoting effect, e.g. ginger or turmeric. They are selected individually for the patient on the basis of his prakriti, i.e. the dominant dosha. What are the Ayurvedic [...]

Ayurvedic herbs: how do they work and what are the main holistic blends?2023-06-07T15:00:45+05:30

Ayurveda – what is this science? Learn the basics of Ayurveda

Vestibulum nec velit ante. Praesent dignissim interdum est, in lacinia elit pretium nec. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce laoreet mi leo, a facilisis dui tempus id. Pellentesque lacinia eget massa in commodo. Pellentesque faucibus rutrum velit, et maximus velit bibendum et. Aenean varius, leo non venenatis feugiat, erat elit interdum ligula, in viverra diam.

Ayurveda – what is this science? Learn the basics of Ayurveda2023-05-28T11:18:21+05:30


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