What is the Ayurvedic diet?
Dr. Saurabh Pardeshi discusses the Ayurvedic diet for Pitta, Kapha and Vata –
three doshas in Ayurveda
. We can not generalize the topic of diet –
there is no one diet that is perfect for everyone.
The same diet can be good and bad for two people. A good diet is based on our practice and should be selected individually.

Video translation – Ayurvedic diet

This is Dr. Saurabh. We have various issues to discuss today. One important thing I feel everyone should know is that diet cannot be generalized. We eat and get energy from food. We have different types of energy and based on our energy we need to choose the right diet.
There are so many people who would like to arrange a diet. They go to the doctor, and the doctor gives them a diet. On the Internet today we have a vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free, lactose-free diet. So all these generalized diets are very beautifully designed for health out there, but we have to understand that
the diet must be in accordance with your constitution, the element under which you were born, in accordance with your body type, genetic type, in accordance with the type of your liver.
Only knowing this can you choose the right diet.

Ayurvedic diet depends on the dominant dosha

For example, in
we have Vata, Pitta and Kapha. I keep repeating the same dosha theory because it is
beauty of ayurveda
. It’s about the unit. He doesn’t talk about it at all. For example, if
Vata person
he eats a lot of dry food, a lot of food that increases air energy (dry, cold and light food), it will give him more air energy. Same –
a person with Kapha
. If they eat the same type of food as they have energy, which is like water – heavy food, cold food, pasta and food that is hard to digest, water type people will have more water energy. And the same with Pitta, which means fire.
When a person with fire eats a lot of fire food such as chili, tomatoes, meat, coffee, he will have more fire energy, higher.

So Ayurveda designed your diet.
Diet cannot be generalized. So please understand that if you want to follow a diet, you must understand your constitution and accordingly you must develop the type of diet you will follow.

Diet in Ayurveda and seasons

In the next chapter, we’ll talk about how diet is related to the season. Since we have different seasons, we have seasonal dishes, but it is not necessarily a healthy way. This is trying to connect the weather with the body, but we’re all different, so even seasonal foods have rules.
Everyone must have their own different type of diet in each season.
So at the next meeting, we’ll talk about this seasonal food. See you soon, all the best.

If you want to find out which dosha is dominant in you and what diet to follow, sign up for a visit
and receive individual tips tailored to your prakriti.

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